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篇名 Confocal Microscopy in Biomedical and Clinical Applications
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 共軛焦顯微技術在生物醫學以及臨床醫學的應用
作者 李憶菁汪大衛卓貴美
頁次 263-271
關鍵字 confocal microscopyfluorescencecell imagingneurobiologylive-cell imagingclinical applications共軛焦顯微技術螢光染色細胞影像神經生物學活細胞影像攝影臨床應用
出刊日期 200412




Confocal fluorescence studies provide information on the identity, size, stereo-structure,time-change, substance diffusion, and concentration of fluorescent-labeled substances.Intracellular or membrane-bound fluorescent dyes as well as voltage- and calcium-dependentindicators are all used to investigate the functions and activities of cells. In the pharmaceuticalindustry, confocal microscopy is now a widely applied tool for studying the cellular effects of drugcandidates. For cellular imaging, confocal optics provide a significant improvement in spatialresolution and data quantity. Confocal microscopy is being applied in neurobiology for detectingmicrostructures and activities within neurons. The technique is also used in clinics for diseasediagnoses, in tracing pathological changes, and in studies of angiogenesis under several conditions.Furthermore, researchers in genetics use confocal microscopy to trace the expression of geneticallyencoded fluorescent proteins. The field of live-cell imaging has also greatly benefited fromapplications of confocal microscopy. Future developments in this field will be of great interest andbenefit to both biotechnological and medical research.
