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篇名 護理人員介入正子斷層造影檢查受檢者後續轉診追蹤之分析
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 Analysis of the Nursing Staff's Efforts with Follow-up and Care-giving for Examinees Undergoing PET Cancer Screening
作者 胡鳳蘭項明芬宋淑惠錢乙婷鄭玉萍洪子仁陳遠光廖健發沈業有Yeh-You Shen蘇誠道Chen-Tau Su
頁次 283-289
關鍵字 18-氟-2-去氧葡萄糖正子斷層造影癌症篩檢FDGPETcancer screening
出刊日期 200412


背景和目的:癌症的篩檢,在於早期找出可治癒的病兆,並加以處置。正子斷層造影檢查、腹部超音波加上血液腫瘤標記被用來篩檢3149 位受檢者,由於受檢者來自各地,因此護理人員之電話訪談追蹤有其必要性,祈藉此提高服務品質,了解受檢者需求。方法:本研究係針對90 年2 月至92 年2 月參與正子斷層造影中心PET 健康檢查之民眾,由3 位護理人員自92 年5 月至92 年7 月中旬,每日以電話問候、訪談追蹤的方式,之後形成例行工作,陸續追蹤受檢者至少都一年以上,共收集3149 例PET健檢受檢者。結果:電話訪談追蹤結果除了關懷受檢者,並提升二次受檢率:每月平均增加5-10 人次,以及更準確的癌症篩檢率1.43%。結論:FDG (18-氟-2-去氧葡萄糖)正子斷層造影在偵測全身癌症的靈敏度頗高,大多數被偵測的癌症是可以及早切除的。使用腹部超音波及血液腫瘤標記可以輔助正子斷層造影在偵測肝癌及攝護腺癌的不足。護理人員針對接受正子斷層造影檢查受檢者後續轉診追蹤,除了提供完整健康檢查服務品質,更可藉此了解受檢者之健康需求,維持良好的醫病關係。


Background and Purpose: Cancer screening attempts to find curable lesions at an earlystage of malignancy, and thus allows appropriate actions to be taken in time. Positron emissiontomographic (PET) scanning, abdominal ultrasound, and serum tumor markers were used forcancer screening on 3149 patients undergoing physical checkups. Nursing staff participated in thefollow-up telephone interview afterwards. Methods: FromMay to July 2003, three members ofthe nursing staff followed-up 3149 patients through telephone interviews who had undergonephysical checkups and who had accepted PET scanning for cancer screening in our hospital fromFebruary 2001 to February 2003. Results: It was observed that the follow-up telephone interviewnot only expressed the hospital's sincere care and concern for the examinees, but it alsosuccessfully raised the acceptance rate for a second PET scan, increasing an average of 5~10 casesper month and producing a more-accurate cancer screening rate of 1.43%. Conclusion: The 2-deoxy-2[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) PET scan shows high sensitivity for whole-body cancerscreening, and most cancers are curable with early treatment. With the aid of abdominalultrasound and serum tumor markers, the limitations of PET scans in detecting liver and prostatecancers may be compensated for. Follow-up services provided by professional nursing staff tothose examineeswho had previously accepted a PET scan in our hospital obviously complementedour physical checkup service for cancer screening, enhanced our understanding of the examinees'health needs, and created entirely new and better doctor-patient relationships.
