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篇名 不同學制護生的死亡恐懼與態度之比較
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 Comparison of the Fear and Attitudes toward Death among Students in Different Nursing Programs
作者 孫嘉玲顏慶雲黃美瑜宋梅生陳麗環黃惠芬
頁次 291-299
關鍵字 死亡恐懼死亡態度護生橫斷性研究fear of deathattitude toward deathnursing studentscross-sectional study
出刊日期 200412


背景和目的:由於護生護理學制不同,其教育背景也不同,導致面對死亡恐懼程度與態度亦有可能不同,故本研究目的為比較五專與日二技護生對死亡恐懼與態度。方法:本研究為橫斷式研究設計,以某一技術學院日二技82 名與五專92 名應屆畢業護生為對象,施以死亡恐懼與死亡態度之結構式問卷,利用獨立樣本t 檢定與共變數分析比較兩組學生對死亡恐懼與態度上的差異性,所收集資料以SPSS 12.0 進行分析。結果:五專與日二技護生對死亡恐懼平均得分分別為3.18± 0.59 與3.28± 0.59;在死亡態度的平均得分則分別為2.77± 0.42 與2.71± 0.48,但其差異均未達到統計上的顯著意義(p>0.05);在次量表的得分比較中,僅在面對死亡態度上,日二技護生在專業性挑戰層面較五專護生正向(p=0.03)。結論:五專與二技護生死亡恐懼與態度並無明顯不同,此研究結果可做教學設計的依據,促進不同學制護生發展正向的死亡態度。


Background and Purpose: Due to the different educational backgrounds among thestudents of different nursing programs in Taiwan, the fear of death and attitudes toward deathamong students might be different. The purpose of this study was to compare the fear of death,attitudes toward death in junior college five-year nursing programs with those of two-yearregistered nurses of baccalaureate science nursing (RN-BSN) programs.Methods: This study is across-sectional research design. A structured questionnaire was administered to 82 nursingstudents of two-year RN-BSN program and 92 five-year junior college program students to collectdata regarding their fears and attitude toward death. Comparisons of scale scores between the twogroups of students were made by using two-independent sample t-test and analysis of covariance.Data were analyzed by SPSS version 12.0 . Results: The mean scores of fear of death were 3.18±0.59 for the nursing students in five-year junior college, and 3.28±0.59 for the students in two-yearRN-BSN program. The mean scores of attitude toward death were 2.77±0.42 and 2.71±0.48,respectively for these two nursing programs. But the above differences were not statisticallysignificant (p>0.05). In the analysis of sub-scale scores, the students in two-year RN-BSN programhad positive attitudes toward death on "professional challenge" than those students in five-yearjunior college (p=0.03). Conclusion: Students' fear of death and attitudes toward death did notshow significant difference for both nursing programs. The findings of this study could be areference of the teaching curriculum design to promote students with positive attitude.
