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篇名 某精神科病房生活討論會標準作業流程之再造
卷期 1
並列篇名 Reconstructing the Standardized Procedure of the Therapeutic Community Meeting in a Psychiatric Ward
作者 康云瑄鄭淑琴蕭淑貞
頁次 069-075
關鍵字 精神科病房生活討論會psychiatric wardtherapeutic community meeting
出刊日期 200312




Background and Purpose: The group therapy plays an important role forpsychiatric patient in an acute ward. Due to the expansion of ward, changes of patients'characteristics, and an increasing number of new staff, a reconstruction of the therapeuticcommunitymeeting (TCM) becomes necessary. The purposes of this research included thefollowing: To set up the objectives, standardized procedure, and the nursing skills ofthe TCM To strengthen the knowledge and clinical skill regarding the TCM amongnurses To create a training program for nurses. Methods: The study adopted an actionresearch design in which the participants included the head-nurse, an advanced practicenurse, 10 staff-nurses, a joint-appointed clinical expert and a graduate student in nursing.The procedure involving in the study included problem finding, group discussion, settingup goals, conduct, evaluation, and modification. Results: The results showed that thestandardized procedure developed in this study may help increase nurses' knowledgeand clinical skills on TCM. Conclusion: The process and results of this studymay providethe nurses with a valuable reference for the purpose of improving capability of planningand conduct in nursing.
