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篇名 靈芝對糖尿病患者降血糖之輔助治療
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Ganoderma Lucidum on Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Subjects--A Double Blinded Placebo Control Study
作者 王貞文陳昇明許惠恒
頁次 54-60
關鍵字 第2型糖尿病靈芝糖化血色素空腹血糖餐後血糖Type 2 diabetesGanoderma lucidumHbA₁CFasting blood glucosePostprandial blood glucoseScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200802


糖尿病已躍居國人十大死因之前五名,且大多數(95%)糖尿病患者屬於第2型糖尿病。 依英國前瞻性糖尿病研究(UKPDS)之報告,隨著糖尿病罹患時間漸長 < 藥物治療效果也漸 差。顯然現有降血糖藥物無法有效控制所有糖尿病患者之血糖。使用中草藥作爲輔助治療 是二十一世紀新趨勢;過去動物研究指出靈芝有降低血糖之作用。本研究主要目的在探討 靈芝對第2型糖尿病患者輔助治療前後血糖之變化。本研究採用雙盲隨機,安慰劑對照之臨 床藥物誠驗法,共46位受試者參與本研究,隨機分成兩組,分別接受靈芝膠囊3000 mg或 安慰劑,經輔助治療12週後,靈芝組及安慰劑組空腹血糖、糖化血色素(HbAiC )並無統計差異。以二維的變異數分析統計結果顯示,經4小時之飲食耐量試驗後二組間的葡萄糖濃度 變化有明顯的差異(p<0.01),即靈芝對餐後血糖較空腹血糖有明顯之改善。飲食耐量試驗反 應面積,靈芝組及安慰劑組分別爲-0.2 ±0.3 mg/dl.h&45±42.1mg/dl.h(p<0.05 )達顯著差 異。若依血糖控制情形分組,靈芝對原血糖控制較差(空腹血糖2 180mg/dl或HbAC ^ 8%) 的受試者,於治療後空腹血糖及HbAC明顯下降達到統計學上之顯著差異(p<0.01)。本研究 結果顯示靈芝輔助治療能協助第2型糖尿病患者降低餐後血糖,對控制較差者,靈芝輔助治 療可能有部分角色可協助降低空腹血糖與HbAiC。


Diabetes mellitus has become one of leading causes of death worldwide. Owing to progressive deterioration of current available hypoglycemic agents, Ganoderma lucidum , one of the most widely used herbs, was reported to lower blood glucose level in animal studies. We therefore undertook a clinical study to investigate the effect of Ganoderma lucidum on blood glucose control in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in which 46 patients completed the trial. Subjects were randomized to take dry extract of Ganoderma lucidum 3000 mg or placebo in addition to regular oral hypoglycemic agents for a period of 12 weeks. As a group, no differences were found in values of fasting glucose, HbAlc before versus after treatment both in placebo and Ganoderma lucidum groups. However, plasma glucose under the curve during meal tolerance test reduced more significantly in those of taking Ganoderma lucidum than those taking placebo (p < 0.01, 2-way ANOVA). In those subjects with poor glycemic control (fasting glucose 之 180 mg/dl, A1c ^ 8.0%), treatment by Ganoderma lucidum revealed a greater reduction in values of fasting glucose (p < 0.05) and glucose area under cruve (p < 0.01). Results of this study suggest that Ganoderma lucidum might play some role in providing postprandial glucose lowering as supplementary therapy in treating subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
