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篇名 Primary Prostatic Sarcomas: Two Case Reports
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 罕見原發性攝護腺惡性腫瘤兩例病例報告
作者 林志明黃世鴻
頁次 259-262
關鍵字 leiomyosarcomastromal sarcomaprostate cancer平滑肌肉瘤基質肉瘤攝護腺癌
出刊日期 200412


攝護腺癌罹患率隨著男性壽命延長與檢驗方法的進步而明顯上升。多數原發性攝護腺癌是腺癌(adenocarcinoma)。肉瘤(sarcoma) 僅佔0.1%~ 0.2%,並且預後不良。我們報告兩例原發惡性攝護腺肉瘤,已經侵犯膀胱與直腸。經由廣範圍切除,包括骨盆腔淋巴結清除,膀胱與攝護腺全切除,直腸部份切除,迴腸代用膀胱,患者得到良好治療效果,目前均無復發現象。因此完全切除(complete resection) 是對於原發攝護腺惡性腫瘤的最好治療。


The incidence of prostate cancer is increasing, along with the longer lifespan of humans andimproved screening detection. Most cases of primary prostate cancer are adenocarcinomas.Sarcomas of the prostate account for only 0.1% to 0.2% of all malignant prostate tumors. Herein,we report 2 cases of prostatic sarcoma with bladder and rectal invasion treated by extensivesurgical intervention, which produced good outcomes. The cases presented suggest that completeresection of a prostatic sarcoma is the most-important contributory factor for achieving a goodprognosis.
