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篇名 《思與言》和臺灣社會學的發展
卷期 51:4
並列篇名 A River of Taiwanese Sociology Running through Thought and Words
作者 王崇名
頁次 159-198
關鍵字 《 思與言》臺灣社會學發展Thought and WordsTaiwanese SociologydevelopmentMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201312


學發展的關係。被莫名地冠上社會學「入門期刊」的名號,特別是歸類為「非」TSSCI 的期刊之後,與真正的社會學家的投稿量之間,產生令人難以置信的關聯,鮮有真正的社會學家在此發表論文。五十年


Till now, after 50 years, Thought and Words: Journal of the Humanities
and Social Sciences never stops to introduce new subjects and issues of
sociology, and to encourage “fresh men” who would like to be a sociologist,
publishing their papers by the facilitating of editors of this journal.
Therefore, Thought and Word is a famous intellectual journal in Taiwanese
sociological community. Right now, Most of the “fresh man” not only really
become sociologist, but also very active in general education, to share their knowledge of sociology with students, who their major are not in sociology. However, at the same time, ridiculously, Taiwanese sociological
community becomes more and more instrumentalist. Even criticizing the
instrumentalism has become the sociologist’s second nature. Today, most of
Taiwanese sociologists prefer publishing their papers in the TSSCI or SSCI,
than doing in Thought and Words, because the latter is not TSSCI. After 50 years,Thought and Words is still living in Taiwanese sociologist community, and keeps to encourage the “fresh man” to publish their papers. If one day Taiwanese sociologists really lost their passion and never abandon instrumentalism, maybe the dying time of Thought and Words, will be coming. Fortunately, a lot of “fresh men”, who become sociologists or other intellectual field’s professor, come back here to be the editors or general
editor, and to manage this intellectual journal, which has incubated many
excellent professors or intellectual researchers.
