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篇名 《思與言》和臺灣經濟學界的發展
卷期 51:4
並列篇名 Thought and Words and the Development of Taiwan’s Economics Discipline
作者 鄭政秉
頁次 233-264
關鍵字 《 思與言》臺灣經濟學界美國化本土化Thought and WordsTaiwan’s Economics DisciplineAmericanizationTaiwanizationMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201312




The paper explores the mutual influence between Thought and Words and Taiwan’s Economic Discipline in past 50 years. First, I analyze the common characteristics of the research topics and those economists who involved in the Journal. Second, I study the feature of the development of Taiwan’s economic discipline, especially from the perspective of Americanization of Taiwan’s Economics. I find that Taiwan’s economists lack of the Taiwanese consciousness, in one hand, and are weak in solving the practical economic issues happened in Taiwan, on the other hand. Final, I assert that the function of Journal could be a complement of Taiwan economics discipline which has two significant weaknesses – lack of Taiwanese consciousness and poor in dialogue with other disciplines.
