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篇名 框架中的浪漫-林短篇小說的言情敘事
卷期 26
並列篇名 Romantic Grafting:Lin Shu’s Short Romances
作者 劉雪真
頁次 167-198
關鍵字 林紓畏廬漫錄言情敘事寫情成規倫理框架Lin Shuromancelove conventionTHCI Core
出刊日期 201312


林紓(1852~1924)是不諳外文的古文大家,在晚清西學東漸的背景下,最早大量地引進域外小說,1.以他的經歷、身份雖令人感到詫異,但他與口譯者合作翻譯的域外小說,在當時卻特別受到歡迎。他所譯述的第一本西洋小說,即他與王壽昌合作,譯自法國小仲馬作品的《巴黎茶花女遺事》,是部言情小說,在1899 年出版之後即造成轟動,其後又多次再版。後來林譯言情小說的魚貫而出,如《迦茵小傳》(1905)、《玉雪留痕》(1905)、《洪罕女郎傳》(1906)、《紅礁畫槳錄》(1906)等,並造成文壇騷動的現象,可見林譯言情小說在當時展現了特殊魅力,以致其出版數量之多及頻率之高,都居林譯小說之冠。2.在當時,維新啟蒙、自強救國響應時代的作品極多,但《巴黎茶花女遺事》、《迦茵小傳》等域外小說的引進,也撥動了士子的情絃。林譯言情小說經過林紓翻譯的歸化,佈滿了傳統倫理思維,同時也滲透了現代的個人、自由、平等的浪漫愛情。3.舶來的愛情故事成為晚清中國人內在心靈、私密領域的探索方針,愛情於是在小說敘事中大肆崛起,引發了晚清民初言情小說浪潮,4.並形成孕育浪漫精神的溫床,影響了五四一代甚至後五四時代。5.晚清民初寫情風潮中,林紓自著小說也常出現愛情的主題。他書寫愛情的篇章主要出自文言短篇小說《踐卓翁短篇小說》(《畏廬漫錄》)(1913~1917)。《畏廬漫錄》是林紓短篇小說的代表作,屬傳奇體,因而每則故事篇幅較筆記為長,敘事較為詳盡,除了社會現實的寫照,情節中也常穿插男女情愛,有些篇章更專寫婚戀故事。他的古文筆記如《技擊餘聞》(1914)、《畏廬瑣記》(1916)、《畏廬筆記》(1917)等,多半是記載見聞、篇幅短小的筆記,不涉及男女情事。他還有幾部中長篇小說,如《京華碧血錄》(1913)、《金陵秋》(1914)、《劫外曇花》(1915)、《巾幗陽秋》(1917)等,敘事大抵以史事為主線,男女情感則僅做為串聯的副線。因此本論文以《畏廬漫錄》中的言情故事為中心,更可以聚焦他對於寫情波潮的回應。辛亥革命前林譯小說已風行海內,洋洋大觀的「林譯小說」散發著古雅的神韻,亦閃爍著新穎光采,不但為當時文人開拓文學視野,亦提供創作借鑒。林紓本人於民國之後才開始創作小說,當時他已領略過極多西方文學作品的風采,雖然他必須透過口譯者,但在翻譯過程,他與口譯者的切磋琢磨,算是對原著的另類細讀,從中得到的滋養和薰陶應更為直接。然文學的翻譯所面對的,不僅是語言符號的不同,更是社會文化和文學傳統方面的巨大差異。林紓的翻譯,由於外語能力的限制,外國文學素養、文化常識的缺乏,他對於域外小說的理解,是基於自身的生活經驗與文化背景所形成的概念結構,在重重認知「框架」(frame)之下,6.日久浸淫之文化、文學傳統不斷在譯作文本中滲透,頗見其歸化(domestica tion)7.的力道。然而異國小說浪漫的情感世界,卻也曾使木強多怒的他深深感動而「擲筆哭者三數」8.,西方浪漫之情經由他的翻譯,雖多格義,這位以衛道自任的古文家,對於男女之情亦多所留心,在他的小說中時時呈現言情主題。林紓的言情敘事,一方面是域外浪漫小說的激盪,一方面是中國言情傳統的框架,新舊能量的交相作用下,他如何鋪陳小說的敘事、如何詮釋愛情的質素?以下將從《畏廬漫錄》的言情作品,細探端倪。


A traditional man of letters without knowledge of any foreign languages, Lin Shu undertook translation with the mere help of oral interpreters to become a pioneer in introducing foreign novels to China in the Late Qing period. His translated works, love stories in particular, were widely popular at the time. In addition to translation, Lin Shu also wrote short stories of his own, some of which, as can be found in his WeiLu Manlu (畏廬漫錄), were love stories. This article takes examples from WeiLu Manlu to see how Lin’s love stories are influenced by his translated novels. Although WeiLu Manlu follows the narrative convention of Strange Tales from Liaozhai (聊齋志異) in the main, its apparent application of techniques from the Western novels evinces how the influence mentioned above takes place. Lin Shu makes indirect acquaintance with western societies and life-styles from the stories he translates. In western love stories, he senses that amorous love itself has a paramount value,that men and women are autonomous entities in social intercourse, and that they are free to decide on marriage according to their own will. Indeed, men and women characters in his stories are relatively free and romantic in disposition. But equally evident in Lin’s stories are the confining powers of traditional romance conventions and a traditional ethical framework. Much a traditional man of letters, Lin writes with classical aesthetic, his lovers still succumbing to Confucian ideals of personality. The works Lin translates inspire him; he is yet preoccupied with Chinese clan ethic. In all, Lin does not deviate from tradition, but is open and accommodating compared with his contemporaries. Most impressively, his stories are among the earliest ones touching upon topics of modernity such as gender difference and modernization.
