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篇名 南部某醫院門診戒菸治療成效及相關因子分析
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Smoking cessation rate and associated factors analysis in a southern hospital of Taiwan
作者 王建楠李璧伊洪雅珊
頁次 101-109
關鍵字 尼古丁成癮度量表尼古丁戒斷症候群尼古丁依賴nicotine dependencenicotine withdrwal syndromeFTNDTSCI
出刊日期 201404


背景及目的:國民健康署自101年3月1日實施二代門診戒菸治療試辦計畫,將戒菸藥物列為健保給付,吸菸者每次看診藥費部分負擔最高為200元,同時提供急診及住院病人戒菸治療服務與免費衛教諮詢,以提升成人戒菸率。方法:本研究針對101年1月至12月止,參加門診戒菸治療服務之病人,將每位之個人基本資料、菸齡、尼古丁成癮度(FTND)、戒菸藥物、治療週數等,分別以EXCELL 7.0建檔,透過但腦體SPSS 7.0求得平均值、中間值與標準差等數值。就一些變數如菸齡、每天吸菸量、尼古丁成癮度、年齡、性別、戒菸藥物等,以t-test或Chi-square test看是否有統計學上之差異,另外利用ANOVA test探討各變數間否具有統計相關。結果:101年1月至12月共有150位戒菸,其中男性132人(88.0%) ,女性18人(12.0%),男女比為7.3:1,具有統計學上差異。參加戒菸者之平均年齡為44.7±12.1歲,男女分別為45.1±12.7歲與42.1±9.8歲,無統計學上之差異,其中以25-54歲年齡層占大多數,計有117人(77.3%)。參與者平均菸齡為23.2±11.0,男女平均菸齡分別為24.0±10.7及17.4±10.9,平均菸齡男大於女,具有統計學上之差異。參與者每天吸菸量統計分析,每天吸11-20支者有55人,吸21-30支者有53人,兩者合計108人(72.0%)。參與者尼古丁成癮度平均為6.7±1.9,屬中度尼古丁依賴,男女分別為6.6±1.9與7.6±2.2,顯然女性成癮度高於男性,且有統計學上之差異(p<0.05),參與者絕大多數為中高度尼古丁依賴,計有142人(94.7%)。追蹤戒菸治療結果,整體點戒菸成功率(即開始戒菸半年後未再吸菸者)為30.7%(46/150),其中男性有40人,女性有6人。結論:統計分析結果發現,菸齡愈長(≧20年),每天吸菸量愈大(≧31支),及尼古丁高成癮度者(≧7分),較不易戒菸成功,進入第二療程的機會亦較高。戒菸藥物納入健保給付,可降低戒菸者之藥費負擔,對於戒菸之動機及意願有所提升,且涵蓋住院與急診病人,擴大戒菸服務對象,戒菸成效預期會提升。


Introduction: Tobacco use continues to be Taiwan’s leading preventable cause of death and disease,as it caused 18,800 tobacco-related death annually,which was on aver age one death every half an hour.In Taiwan, cigarette smoking rate of adults approximates 19.1%, and male smokers are predominant(33.5%).Hence the reduction of adult’s smoking rate is mandatory for promotion of public health. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from Jan.2012 to Dec. 2012 in a southern hospital of Taiwan.A total of 150 smokers were enroll- ed .All participants should complete their demographic informations and scores of Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine dependence(FTND).Stastitical analyses were performed using the SAS version 9.2 software.Categorical variables were analysed using the Chi- Square test or t-test. Results:There were 132 male smokers and 18 female smokers ,the male smokers were predominant and statistically significant(88.0% vs 12.0% ,p<0.05). Most participants belonged to moderate-high nicotine dependence ,while the female smokers had higher FTND scores than the male smokers (7.6±2.2 vs 6.6±1.9,p<0.05).As for the duration of cigarette smoking,the male smokers had longer duration than the female smokers(24.0±10.7 vs 17.4±0.9,p<0.05). As for daily quantity of smoking ,there were 108 participants (72.0%) smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day.After telephone call follow-up ,the overall smoking cessation rate was 30.7%(46/150),including 40 male smokers and 6 female smokers. Conclusion:Tobacco use is a curable and preventable addiction disease. Current smokers with longer duration,higher FTND scores,and more daily cigarettes smoking have more difficulty in quitting smoking due to severe nicotine withdrwal syndrome .
