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篇名 臺北「兩個中國」政策之研究(1971~2005)--論「雙重代表案」與「平行代表權」之執行
卷期 47
並列篇名 A Study on Taipei's Fulfilling Two-China Policy in 1971
作者 涂成吉
頁次 195-213
關鍵字 兩個中國雙重代表權平行代表權重要問題案阿爾巴尼亞案Two-China policyDual representationParallel representationAlbanian resolution
出刊日期 201301


二○一一年五月,「美國在臺協會(AIT)」前主席卜睿哲(Richard Bush)於華府舉辦 之「辛亥革命100 周年研討會」上,提出:「如果北京願意接受,美國數十年前提出的 『兩個中國』概念,也許適用於未來兩岸關係之發展。」,引起「兩個中國」在兩岸關 係中之歷史話題。緊接著,二○一二年一月,台灣大選,各方咸信「九二共識」的承認 與否乃馬、蔡勝負之關鍵,期間,馬總統向中共提出「兩岸和平協議」簽署,樹立兩岸 關係長遠制度化,都意謂一個未來兩岸政治新框架的選擇論述。
默契上,「兩個中國」議題一直是兩岸「不願面對的現實」而少有理論表述空間。 卜氏談話當指一九七一年十月,美國首度以「雙重代表案」作兩岸關係之突破,希望達 成中華民國與中華人民共和國同時並存於聯合國,完成國際上「兩個中國」的法理事實, 結果失利,我國從此離開聯合國。惟卜氏未觀察到者,「兩個中國」思維,並未就此消 失台北當局,一九九三年至二OO 五年,當台北宣佈重新「參與聯合國」這段過程,所 提「平行代表權」之理論及策略,一如當年雙重代表權,也是「兩個中國」的架構。 當兩岸事務進入後ECFA 時代,「一中」思維之老舊與脫節現實,而「九二共識」 仍不脫一中(共)主權的邏輯思維;畢竟,「九二共識」是二十年前,兩岸為維持事務 性的臨時權宜之策;如何務實面對兩岸關係新框架,攸關台灣主權地位者,北京必須正 視中華民國之存在事實,使「不武」現狀與「互不否認」的默契逐步至「相互承認」的 制度化,達成維繫兩岸和平之永續環境。本文僅望藉此兩段史實的研究與發現,在創造 新的未來兩岸論述中,有進步對「二個中國」的啟發與認識。


Former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) chairman Richard Bush aired his views that the "two Chinas" theory first brought up by the United States decades ago could be applied to current relations across the Taiwan Strait at a recent symposium in Washington marking the 100th anniversary of the historic 1911 Xinhai Revolution. Bush explained that the "two Chinas" concept was already brought up in 1971 when international efforts were made to help the ROC retain its seat in the United Nations while admitting the PRC at the same time.
But what the former AIT chairman ignored was Taipei’s spearheading a national effort to two Chinas alone from 1993 till 2005 by her “parallel representative” initiative to return to UN. It is perhaps not a proper proposal for Bush to suggest the "two Chinas" theory as the mainstream opinion at a time when the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have adopted "1992 consensus" that forms the backbone of "one China with respective interpretations." However, people across the Strait have felt the intense exchange of a series of ECFA , name changing of Taipei Office at Hong Kong and Macau and Taiwan's participation in activities held by governmental or non-governmental like WHA. Considering one China out of date and reality, two Chinas deserve proper room for debate and study, this paper is to link those two two-Chinas experiments in 1971 and 1993 and renews its meanings in the fast progress of the cross-straits relations.

