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篇名 學習的自由與地球的未來:另類教育與生態村運動的匯流
卷期 241
並列篇名 The Freedom of Learning and the Future of the Earth: On the Integrative Flow of Alternative Education and the Global Ecovillage Movement
作者 馮朝霖許宏儒
頁次 139-156
關鍵字 另類教育生態村運動在家教育佛賀內學校alternative educationecovillagehome educationFreinet-School
出刊日期 201405
DOI 10.3966/168063602014050241009


這個星球已經不需要更多成功的人了,而是迫切需要更多以各種方式推動和平的人、療癒傷痛的人、修復社會的人、吟誦故事的人,以及傳遞愛的人。(達賴喇嘛) 另類教育從二十世紀在歐美國家出現之後,其對教育理想與社會願景的熱切追求,更逐漸成為引領教育改革不可或缺的靈感來源與經驗啟示。進入二十一世紀,全球另類教育的發展更有日趨蓬勃與多元的趨勢,但在複雜的多元中,其實有幾個明顯的主流特色,即是全人教育、在家教育(自學與共學)、民主教育,以及另一個更具重要性的統整趨勢,也就是另類教育與全球生態村運動(global ecovillage movement)的統整匯流。


Alternative education offers more and more the indispensable inspiration and initiation for the educational reform since it’s emerging from the beginning of the last century. In the Entering into this new century, the global development of alternative education presents apparent tendency of vivid and diverse forms. However, there are some significant mainstreams among the complicate and diverse differentiations, that is the holistic education, the democratic education movement and the movement of home education. But above all, it is the global ecovillage movement which incorporates in the same time different kinds of Alternative Education.
