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篇名 客語陂塘詞彙探討
卷期 13
並列篇名 A Study on the Hakka Vocabulary Pi-Tang
作者 何石松
頁次 93-111
關鍵字 陂塘陂頭作陂頭客語詞彙Pi-TangPi-TouZuo Pi-TouHakkaVocabulary
出刊日期 201403




The goal of tracing the origins and cultural roots of the word “Pi-Tang” (陂塘 - pond) in Hakka vocabulary is to prove that its interpretation must be deeper than the one that comes from its pronunciation and is usually written as 「埤塘」. In this dissertation we’ll discuss not only the independent word “Pi”「陂」but also the term “Pi-Tang”「陂塘」in the classical documents and modern Hakka vocabulary. The first Pi-Tang (pond) was built within the Spring and Autumn Period (722 BC - 481 BC) of Chinese history, thus we assume that term “Pi-Tang” must carry a number of meanings.
The word Pi-Tang has been used for thousands years in different cultural contexts and as a result has accumulated a variety of semantic meanings. In order to understand how “Pi-Tang” was used through the history, we intend to research its meanings from different aspects, such as: agriculture (irrigation and water conservancy), spiritual life (spiritual literature), ethics, environmental studies and philosophy. The researched term was strongly integrated in human life for thousands of years, which proves its significance.
