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篇名 從社會建構論談國人憂鬱與自殺現象的隱憂
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 A Social Constructionist Perspective on the Problem of Depression and Suicide in Taiwan
作者 林綺雲
頁次 109-128
關鍵字 憂鬱自殺,社會建構論台灣DepressionSuicideSocial constructionismTaiwan
出刊日期 200212


每個社會都有憂鬱與自殺現象,也存在一套對憂鬱與自殺的看法與因應處理模式,久而久之成為人際互動或文化規範的一部份。從社會結構論的角度,社會文化環境塑造我們的各種需要與人際互動,或因應挫折與失落的方式以及隨之而來的情緒感受等,也影響我們對憂鬱與自殺的看法與處遇模式。 諸多研究發現憂鬱與自殺有所關聯,但是從事臨床諮商或自殺防治的工作者發現:文化不同會影響諮商過程或防治之道。台灣近年來經濟不景氣帶來諸多失落事件,社會上自殺事件頻傳,幾乎每天上演。而我們的社會對憂鬱與自殺現象似乎仍有傳統宗教或道德上的制約,使國人無法更有策略或有效地預防或因應憂鬱與自殺。本文從社會建構論的角度檢視文化規範對我們社會的影響,指出憂鬱與自殺處遇上的隱憂,從一個廣泛而深入的分析角度探究自殺現象,最終的目的在於正視問題以有效地防治自殺行為。


The positive relationship between depression and suicide was proved in many research papers, and there are many perspectives and coping models on these phenomenon in every society. This paper was according social constructionist perspective to illustrate interpersonal relationship or everything that we need is shaped by our current sociocultural environment and to discuss the attitudes of traditional religion and social moral value constrainting the coping models on depression and suicide in Taiwan. This paper will point out the problems of these coping models from social constructionist perspective and offer the possible solutions on depression and suicide in Taiwan.
