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篇名 Le Non-dit Dans le Journal Intime: L'exemple D'Adolphe de Benjamin Constant
卷期 18
並列篇名 論自我書寫中的隱言:以《阿道夫》為例
作者 舒卡夏
頁次 1-26
關鍵字 自我書寫隱言阿道夫憂鬱羞怯Self-writingUnsaidAdolpheMelancholyTimidityÉcriture autobiographiqueNon-ditMélancolieTimidité
出刊日期 201306




Self-writing is different from the other literary genres especially by it’s fidelity to the real. Either diary or memory has to describe the events really happened. This is a specific contract between the author of self-writing and his reader. However, to be real is not so easy to realize. To describe self is not to narrate or repeat mechanically one’s passed life. In fact, saying the real, it depends not only on author’s “will”, but also on others conditions. Self-writing could, out of control of his author, not always be true or sincere. If, in appearance, the meaning of self-writing is clear by the direct tone and by author’s sincerity, sometimes, the readers need to pay more attention to the signification hided between the lines. This study aims to reveal this paradox—the obscurity of the transparence, in self-writing by taking Adolphe as example.
This paper begin by analyzing and presenting the different forms of unsaid in the frankly narration of Adolphe. Some unsaid are done consciously, some unconsciously. Then, I try to study the reasons which generate the paradox of this self-writing according to different points of view, as timidity, sincerity and melancholy, and to explain how these factors make the confession of Adolphe full of hiding, obscurity, contradiction and vagueness in meaning. Besides, this paradox in self-writing represents just the special way for a melancholic to confess and the particularity of his truth.
