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篇名 傅雷與伏爾泰:一個「老實人」在中國的旅行
卷期 10
並列篇名 Candide in China: Fu Lei and His Translation
作者 謝金蓉
頁次 69-85
關鍵字 傅雷伏爾泰老實人陳汝衡徐志摩Fu LeiLaoshih JenCandideVoltaire
出刊日期 200906




The year 2009 sees the 250 anniversary of the publication of Voltaire’s Candide, a satire that has long been appreciated as the most representative novel of the 18th century. Across the continent, not until 1920s did the Chinese writers start to translate this classic. Among five translated versions, Fu Lei’s 傅雷 Laoshih Jen 老實人 (1954) deserves re-consideration because, in the modern history of Western literature imported into China, Fu Lei’s contribution has remained unquestioned largely due to the widespread influence of his translation of Balzac. However, after a thorough examination of his own evaluation, it is noteworthy that Fu Lei gains least confidence in translating Voltaire. The reason why one of the most credited translators in modern China found it most difficult to introduce Voltaire into the Chinese-speaking world inspires the following discussion.This paper focuses on Laoshih Jen. In order to elaborate Fu Lei’s cultural contextualization, other translated versions by Chen Juheng 陳汝衡 (1923-24) and Hsu Chihmo 徐志摩 (1927) are compared and contrasted. Fu Lei appears so cautious in translating Candide that he seldom transforms Voltaire’s proper nouns and metaphors. Fu Lei’s conservatism results Laoshih Jen into a work that would fail to transgress such original spirit of an 18th century novel so much alive in Candide. Accordingly, one wouldn’t say that Candide had found a counterpart after it was travelled to China.
