
政大中文學報 THCI

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篇名 試論《續漢書.五行志》撰作及其體例因革之問題
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Study on the the "Wuxing Zhi" of Xu Hanshu
作者 黃啟書
頁次 197-230
關鍵字 漢書續漢書五行災異應劭HanshuXu hanshuWuxingFive elementsZaiyiAnomaliesYing ShaoTHCI
出刊日期 201106


摘 要班固《漢書》首創〈五行志〉既總結西漢災異學,更為史傳開一新例。此志雖屢為學者訾議,但歷代史書多衍其流。其中以司馬彪《續漢書•五行志》最要。蓋其為東漢災異之主要材料,又時代較早,體例或較能保留。本文將聚焦於司馬彪〈續志〉之形成背景,考辨其作者,並分析〈漢志〉、〈續志〉間體例之變革損益。主要意見如下:〈續志〉於撰者雖只提及應劭、董巴、譙周三人,實應多承蔡邕之說。其中應劭長於禮制、風俗掌故,董巴、譙周專門天文、曆議。以劉昭注及《風俗通》佚文考之,應劭對於社會風俗異常現象如服妖、詩妖等之關心,更甚於天地災異。由〈續志〉與應劭《風俗通》文字之舛異,推度司馬彪應是取譙周作為〈續志〉之底本,而以應劭參校。〈漢志〉、〈續志〉之差異,在編纂體例分合上:〈續志〉雖亦取五行為法,卻將〈漢志〉中分開陳述之五行、五事,相混編纂。又將星孛、隕石之類改隸〈天文志〉。此雖肇因於〈漢志〉創制以來既存問題,但〈續志〉之更動,除已破壞洪範五行學說之基本架構,更影響後世如正史〈五行志〉之體例。在文獻徵集詳略上:〈續志〉未如〈漢志〉清晰標明其取材出處,又引述奏疏惟蔡邕、李固二人,至於郎顗、張衡、襄楷等災異大家,具不明引其名。其雖亦注意《漢記》災異記錄似有缺漏,但亦未積極加以補罅。


The "Wuxing Zhi" of Xu Hanshu is the most important document about the anomaly (zaiyi) theories of eastern Han dynasty after the "Wuxing Zhi" of Hanshu. This article focuses on the editers of the "Wuxing Zhi" of Xu Hanshu and compares their edition style between the two "Wuxing Zhi".Sima Biao (the author of the Xu Hanshu) said the main editors of the "Wuxing Zhi" were only Ying Shao, Dong Ba, Qiao Zhou. But he also accepted the Cai Yong’s ideas. Ying Shao's article was written early, but it was not the most important opinions in the "Wuxing Zhi".There are two differences between the two "Wuxing Zhi". First, Xu Hanshu also used the wuxing style but mixed the wuxing and the wushi. It also changed the category about comets and meteorites. Second, Xu Hanshu did not quote the document source clearly like Hanshu and did not supplement the lost record about anomalies (zaiyi).
