
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 How to Improve and Strengthen Administration of Taiwan's National Parks
卷期 5:3/4
並列篇名 如何改善及加強臺灣國家公園的行政管理
作者 宋秉明
頁次 025-070
關鍵字 國家公圖管理公園行政爭權分散National Park ManagementPark AdministrationJurisdictional FragmatationTSSCI
出刊日期 199212


本研究主要目的在針對目前國內國家公園行改管理體制所面臨的種種問題和存在的缺點,尤其是“爭權分散”之課題,研擬改善策略和方案。盼對國內國家公園之整體發展有所助益。本研究先從(1)法律與政策;(2)組織;(3)人事等三方面說明。目前國內國家公園之經營管理體制,再深入探討目前所面臨的問題和存在的缺點,並分析導致事權分散的種種因素。改善策略的研擬主要是根據美國及日本的發展經驗及個人的研究(擇日本是因其與國內有頗多類似之處,民情亦較接近,且其國家公園發展之歷史亦頗爲久遠,至於取自美國則屬當然,稍僅國家公園管理之人士必無疑問)。本研究提出的改善策略(Strategy)共包括有六個「主要方案」(Major Actions)及五個「合作方案」(Cooperative Actions)。所謂「主要方案」意指可單獨(或幾乎可)由內政部營建署自主執行而達成目標,此類方案專爲本文所指之核心問題,即國家公園之行政管理而研擬。而所謂「合作方案」則是指爲協助「主要方案」之執行及爲促進國內整體自然保育之推展而研擬,但與前者不同的是,此類方案必須透過各部會或各單位之整合和合作,才可望造成目標。


The purpose of this study was to suggest a strategy for improving administrative systems of Taiwan's national parks and solving the issue of jurisdictional fragmentation.This study began with an analysis of current administrative systems of Taiwan's national parks in terms of: (1) law and policy; (2) organization; and (3) people. It then idemtofoed and discussed the weaknesses which exist in current administration and management of national parks in Taiwan and that are particularly apt to cause the problem of park fragmentation.A strategy was developed through a process of integration based on: (a) administrative problems of Taiwan's national parks; (b) the experiences of the United Stated and Japan; and (c) individual ideals. The strategy consists of six Major Actions and five Cooperative Actions. The Major Actions, which can be conducted solely or mostly by the responsible agency for national parks--the Ministry of the Interior, Were particularly designed for improving the administration of national parks in Taiwan. The Cooperative Actions were developed to help achieve Major Actions and provide a direction for promoting nationwide nature conservation. In contrast to the Major Actions, the determination and execution of the Cooperative Actions need integrated efforts from the related agencies.
