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篇名 台灣婦幼衛生於公共衛生護理發展之反思
卷期 61:3
並列篇名 Reflections on the Development of Maternal and Child Health in Public Health Nursing in Taiwan
作者 陳妙青
頁次 021-028
關鍵字 公共衛生護理婦幼衛生public health nursingmaternal and child healthMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6224/JN.61.3.21




Continued global economic difficulties and Taiwan’s health insurance scheme have focused the domestic healthcare system excessively on medical treatments and made this system overly market-oriented. The NHI (national health insurance) Reimbursement Policy lacks adequate flexibility to adjust to current health needs. This situation constrains the medical service budget and causes nursing shortages in hospitals, which in turn marginalizes the public health nurses working at health centers. It is important for the government and professional associations to establish a public healthcare model that adequately meets the needs of the community. In addition to strengthening the role and function of public health nurses, a service model must be developed and piloted. This paper analyzes the situation and problem of maternal and child healthcare in Taiwan, studies the successful experiences of maternal and child healthcare from other counties, and then provides recommendations for the future development of public health nursing in Taiwan.
