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篇名 台灣職業衛生護理現況政策與趨勢
卷期 61:3
並列篇名 Taiwan Occupational Health Nursing: Practices, Policies and Future Trends
作者 張蓓貞
頁次 029-035
關鍵字 職業衛生護理實務政策趨勢occupational health nursepracticesoliciestrendsMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6224/JN.61.3.29




The steady evolution of domestic industries and the continued expansion of the workforce have outdated Taiwan’s traditional model of occupational health nursing, which focuses on preventing work-related diseases and ensuring workplace safety. Professional-competency evaluations, now widely used within the medical and other professional communities to confirm that individuals have mastered relevant knowledge and skills, are a fixture in service quality management and related strategies. Occupational health nurses have a critical role in promoting and ensuring the quality of occupational- health related services. A multifaceted strategy is needed to update the domestic model of occupational health nursing. This strategy should include: 1) Set professional standards and create standard teaching materials for national occupational health nurses; 2) Enhance the professional efficacy of nurses in this field; 3) Survey the relevant role functions and education / training needs of occupational health nurses; 4) Develop relevant elective courses; and 5) Format courses / curricula for e-learning and for multimedia platforms. Furthermore, after implementation of this strategy, the model should be evaluated in terms of the knowledge and skills acquired by occupational health nurses. It is hoped that by reflecting local needs and experiences this new model will update the field of occupational health nursing to meet the needs of the current and future workplace in Taiwan and increase nursing knowledge and skills in order to foster and sustain healthy workplace environments.
