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篇名 天主教在華刊物述略(1872-1949)
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 A Review of Catholic Periodical Literatures in China(1872-1949)
作者 彭福英
頁次 055-076
關鍵字 天主教天主教刊物CatholicismCatholic PeriodicalsTSSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2014.12(1).055


1872年,上海徐家匯天文臺耶穌會會士創辦法文《氣象觀測報》(Bulletin des Observation Météorologiques),開在華天主教刊物之濫觴;中華民國前期,天主教報刊發展迅速,數量驟增,遍佈沿海和內陸城市,其語種豐富,創辦者為天主教各修會;抗日戰爭全面爆發後,天主教刊物逐漸萎縮。這些刊物,一定程度上促進了天主教福傳事業的發展和東西方文化的交流,具有重要的積極的影響。本文旨在對天主教在華刊物做一個歷史性的梳理,介紹了各個時期天主教刊物發展的總體形態和比較重要的刊物,並分析了各個階段天主教刊物或發展或衰落的原因和影響。


In 1872, the Jesuits of the Xujiahui Observatory in Shanghai started a French newspaper, the Bulletin des Observation Météorologiques, which marked the beginning of the Catholic periodical literatures in China. During the early period of the Republic of China, the Catholic periodicals surged fast and spread from the coastal to the inner cities. The publications were run by different Catholic religious orders in many languages. But with the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, Catholic periodical literatures in China fell to decadency. The periodicals stimulated the development of Catholicism in China and the cultural exchange between China and the West and thus played an active and important role in the modern Chinese history. This paper describes the development of the Catholic periodical literatures in different stages and discussed on the influences of the Catholic periodicals to the Chinese society.
