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篇名 主婦偵探-談達里雅‧東佐娃的諷刺偵探小說
卷期 23
並列篇名 On Daria Dontsova’s Ironical Detective Fiction
作者 江慧婉
頁次 043-060
關鍵字 大眾文學女性偵探小說諷刺偵探小說popular literaturefemale detective fictionironical detective fiction
出刊日期 201312


二十世紀末,由於政治體制更迭,俄羅斯文學產生急遽變化:隨著檢查制度廢止及經濟市場化,文學成為商品,為了滿足讀者的不同需求,科幻、犯罪冒險及言情等大眾文學順勢崛起,尤其偵探小說發展迅速,到了1990 年代中期女性偵探小說躍升為最受歡迎的讀物,其中東佐娃以「歐巴桑」為主角創作的諷刺偵探小說異軍突起,銷售量領先群雄。儘管不少文學評論家對她的作品嗤之以鼻,東佐娃以淺顯易懂的方式及嘲弄戲謔的筆調刻畫出當代俄羅斯的浮世繪,並佐以家庭主婦熟悉的日常生活細節,引起女性讀者共鳴。此外,無論情節如何峰迴路轉,故事最後總以「從此過著幸福快樂的日子」結尾,強調「善有善報,惡有惡報」正面樂觀的生活態度,瀰漫令人振奮的遠景,具有撫慰、激勵人心的作用。東佐娃作品的暢銷反映出近年來俄羅斯社會的部分潛在心理:亟欲擺脫晦澀蕭條的過去邁向繁榮進步的光明未來。


In the 1990s the book market in Russia radically changed. Due to the commercialization of literature, “serious literature” was substituted by various historic and romantic novels, fantasy, thrillers and detective fiction, which since the early 1990s has become one of the most popular genres in post-Soviet Russia. And женские детективы (female detective stories) started to appear and have been the most popular from the mid-1990s. Dontsova’s detective stories, whose female protagonists overcome a number of obstacles, undergo a moral, physical, or financial transformation and try to restore order within her own world, provide the readers optimistic pathos, simple values, fairy-tale idealism and upbeat didacticism. The popularity of Dontsova’s ironical detective fiction is an indication of the recent transition in Russian popular values: from nostalgia, criticism and pessimism to forward looking optimism, hope and faith in the post-Soviet socio-economic environment.
