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篇名 三維定量折射率顯微術與應用
卷期 35:5=199
並列篇名 Three-Dimensional Refractive Index Microscopy and Its Application
作者 蘇璟瑋許瑋真宋孔彬
頁次 015-025
出刊日期 201406




Refractive index (RI) fluctuations in biological cells and tissue provide an intrinsic source of imaging contrastwithout external labels. The intrinsic phase contrast not only avoids morphological and functional alterations of biosamplesbut also enables long term observation of living specimens. Compared to more conventional phase contrastand differential interference contrast microscopies and emerging two-dimensional quantitative phase microscopy,imaging of the three-dimensional (3D) RI distribution provides more structural information of heterogeneities inbio-samples. As a result, 3D quantitative RI microscopy has attracted increasing attention in the fi eld of biomedicaloptics recently. In this manuscript, we review the principle and development history of 3D RI microscopy andassociated reconstruction algorithms. Validation of reconstruction algorithms and two optical setups, one based ona Mach-Zehnder interferometer and the other based on a common-path confi guration, developed in our laboratoryis provided. Finally, an example of live-cell imaging is demonstrated and potential biomedical applications arediscussed.

