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篇名 腦波近視屈光度檢測裝置
卷期 35:5=199
並列篇名 Brainwave Diopter of Myopia Detecting Device
作者 陳德請邱建宏陳鵬元李錫霖林誌麒
頁次 026-040
出刊日期 201406


腦波近視屈光度檢測裝置能運用腦波訊號作為反饋訊號,而快速正確量測近視患者的屈光度。量測系統中設置腦波單極點擷取器,用以擷取待測者配戴矯正鏡片前及矯正鏡片後之腦波訊號,並將該信號送至信號處理器作為近視屈光度放鬆值與專注值變化即時分析。當量測之放鬆值上升,且專注值下降的腦波訊號,即檢測出對應待測者之視力最佳屈光度值之矯正鏡片。故本腦波訊號輔助之近視屈光度檢測較為客觀準確,可適用於表達能力較差患者。本裝置依個人視力需求來做調整,矯正後視敏度期望值為 (V.A.) 0.8-1.2。


Brainwave diopter of myopia detecting can rapidly and correctly measure the diopters of myopic patients. In thebrainwave single pole device, used for capturing under test persons wearing correction lenses before and afterthe brainwave signals, that signals were sent to the signal processor to do myopia diopters instant analysis of theattention and meditation value changing. When the measured by the brainwave signals meditation value is risingand attention value is decreasing, that detect out of the corresponding to under test persons the vision are optimalvalue by the diopter correction lenses. Therefore, this device having brainwave detect is more objectively andaccurately with apply to the poor expression ability patients. This device according to personal vision demand tomake adjustments, after visual acuity correction the expected value is (V.A.) 0.8-1.2.

