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篇名 Continua ECG 設備解決方法:x73-PHD Bluetooth 轉換器與 x73-PHD ZigBee 轉換器
卷期 35:5=199
並列篇名 Continua ECG Device Solutions: An x73-PHD Bluetooth Adaptor and An x73-PHD ZigBee Adaptor
作者 李元發
頁次 041-052
出刊日期 201406


隨者高齡人口的趨勢以及心血管疾病之威脅,ECG 監視系統成為重要之照護設備。然而,目前之 ECG 監視系統均為私有封閉系統。不同 ECG 設備與應用伺服主機要能夠互相操作,生理資訊要能夠互相分享成為重要需求。本研究提出一個 x73-PHD Bluetooth 轉換器及一個 x73-PHD ZigBee 轉換器之設計,其目的在於作為醫療器材之代理者,收集來自 ECG 設備的生理量測值,並分別透過 Bluetooth 健康器材概廓及ZigBee 健康照護概廓傳送符合國際標準之 11073 資訊。本研究所提之 x73-PHD Bluetooth 轉換器是基於MSP430F5419 與 Stollmann 藍芽模組晶片所設計;x73-PHD ZigBee 轉換器是基於 Freescale ZigBee 晶片所設計。兩者都採用 ISO/IEEE 11073 醫療器材標準規格作為其傳輸資訊格式。以 x73-PHD 轉換器作為應用伺服主機及 ECG 設備之間的橋梁。x73-PHD 轉換器收集來自 ECG 設備之生理量測資訊,並且將這些(波形或心跳) 資訊轉換成符合 ISO/IEEE 11073 個人化健康器材相容之資訊格式。透過 x73-PHD 轉換器之Bluetooth HDP 或 ZigBee HCP 介面,將這些標準化之生理資訊傳送到應用伺服主機。根據實驗結果,使用者能成功地透過 Bluetooth HDP 或 ZigBee HCP 介面,傳送 ECG 波形或心跳生理量測值到任何 Continua認證之應用伺服主機。


With the increase of aging population and the threat of cardiovascular disease, ECG monitoring system becomesimportant healthcare equipment. However, current ECG monitoring systems are private communication systems.There is a necessary need for intercommunication and exchange measurement data among the various ECG devicesand application hosting devices within a single system. The study proposes two designs: one is for the x73-PHDBluetooth adaptor and the other is for the x73-PHD ZigBee adaptor. Both x73-PHD adaptors act as agent of ECGdevice. The x73-PHD adaptor collects the measured data and transmits them compliant with the internationalstandard 11073 data format via a Bluetooth Health Device Profile (HDP) or ZigBee Health Care Profile (HCP)interface. The design for the x73-PHD Bluetooth adaptor proposed in this paper is based on the MSP430F5529 andStollmann chipsets as well as the x73-PHD ZigBee adaptor is based on the Freescale ZigBee chipset. Each of theadaptors adopts the ISO/IEEE 11073 standards, which functions as a bridge between the application hosting deviceand the ECG device. The x73-PHD adaptor converts vital sign data from the connecting ECG device, and then transmits these data (waveform or heart rate) to the application hosting device in compliance with ISO/IEEE 11073personal health device data format and protocol standards via the Bluetooth HDP or ZigBee HCP interface. Basedon the testing results, users can transmit ECG waveform or heart rate data to any application host device certifi ed byContinua Health Alliance over the Bluetooth HDP or ZigBee HCP interface successfully.

