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篇名 多功能白光發光二極體封裝技術
卷期 35:5=199
並列篇名 Multifunctional White Light Emitting Diode Packaging
作者 蘇忠傑
頁次 074-080
出刊日期 201406


本文敘述利用光學鍍膜製作如具有之全方位反射 (omni-directional refl ection) 等特性的光學元件,來達成具各種功能之白光發光二極體 (LED)。例如以光學設計出反射特定紫外光 (UV) 發光二極體之波長的全方位反射器 (omni-directional refl ector, ODR) 光學鍍膜,可使 UV 光子在螢光粉層間反複多方向反射與穿過螢光粉層,而增加螢光轉換效率與發光均勻度。此外,亦可利用此一光學設計概念,加以解決其它白光發光二極體封裝所遭遇的問題,例如上述之白光發光二極體再結合以紫光與藍光 LED 激發白光的方式,更可達成可調發光顏色的功能。


The thin film optical components with a functionality of omni-directional reflection are used to package themultifunctional white light emitting diodes (LEDs). For example, an omni-directional refl ector (ODR) is used inUV-pumped white LEDs to omni-directionally refl ect the UV light in certain spectrum range and the UV photonsare multiple refl ected between the ODR and phosphor resin. This mechanism can enhance the phosphor conversionefficiency and the uniformity of the emitted light pattern. The same concept can be used to manufacture othermultifunctional LED packaging, such as color tunable white light LEDs which are packaged by combining ODR,UV, purple and blue pumping LEDs.

