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篇名 「自我」與「大眾」的辯證:以現代詩論戰為觀察中心
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Dialectics between “the Self” and “the People:” The Discussion on the Modern Poetry Polemic
作者 林巾力
頁次 027-052
關鍵字 現代主義自我大眾現代詩論戰modernismthe selfthe peopleModern Poetry Polemic
出刊日期 201210




The Modern Poetry Polemic which took place in the early 1970s is regarded as the harbinger of the debate surrounding Taiwanese Native Literature. This Polemic is generally believed to have been triggered by the rising nationalism which was due to continuous diplomatic setbacks. However, the literary cause for the polemic should not be overlooked. This reflection on modernist literature has been underway since the mid-1960s, when Taiwanese modernist literature was at its peak. By focusing on the discussion of the Modern Poetry Polemic, this paper explores how the concepts of “the self” and “the people” became controversial topics. The aims of this paper are, firstly, to analyze how the poets and writers imagine “the self” and “the people.” Secondly, it will look at how the concepts of “the self” and “the people” are imagined and practiced. Finally, the author will consider the argument against the compatibility of these two concepts and propose that they are not only compatible but inseparable.
