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篇名 從人性出發:試析子于小說的自然主義與「留學移民」情節
卷期 8
並列篇名 Deriving from the Human Nature: A Study of Zi Yu’s Fictions Concerning Naturalism and Student Immigrants
作者 陳大道
頁次 109-136
關鍵字 子于滿洲國文學自然主義留學移民小說幼獅文藝Zi YuManchurian Literaturenaturalismstudent immigrant fictionYouth Literory
出刊日期 201310


留學生小說流行的1960、70 年代,台北建國中學數學教師子于(傅禺)撰寫的小 說,〈瞎蒼蠅〉、〈婚事〉、〈蒸籠〉與〈芬妮‧明德〉(民國70年《聯合報》中篇小 說首獎)也圍繞類似主題。子于作品從人性出發,掌握「留學移民」者對於感情自由與 經濟穩定追求的同時,一方面同情這股潮流下的世間男女,一方面諷刺晚清以來深入民 心的留學傳統。在「滿洲國」完成大學學位的子于,求學期間適逢新文學寫作崛起,又 受日文教育影響,文學觀具有自然主義傾向。子于在1948年抵達台灣,直到60年代後 期才開始積極寫作,作品多見諸《幼獅文藝》。


This paper studies the naturalist fictions containing student immigrant plots written by Zi Yu. Zi Yu was born in Manchuria and completed his university schooling in the 40s. It was clear that Zi Yu had been influenced by Japanese and Shanghai modernist fictions, and the newly industrialized Taiwan socialites inspired him to write fictions in the 60s and 70s. His fictions containing student immigrant plots are different from those written by Taiwanese students studying abroad and eventually relocated in USA. The latter are known for being the themes of uprooted, migration, diaspora, and national identity. However, Zi Yu pays attention to human nature and particularly in generation gap, love and betray, paradise seeking, and job hunting issues.
