
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 管東溟《續原教論評》析探
卷期 27
並列篇名 An Analysis of Guan Dongming’s Critique of the Supplement to the Treatise in Defence of Buddhism
作者 吳孟謙
頁次 115-166
關鍵字 理學闢佛護法管東溟儒佛交涉Neo-ConfucianismNeo-Confucianist criticismBuddhist counter-argumentGuan DongmingConfucio-Buddhist interplayTHCI
出刊日期 201406




The debate between Neo-Confucianists and Buddhists during the Song-Ming dynasties, in particular, the Buddhist counter-argument in retaliation of Neo-Confucianist criticism, is an issue in Chinese intellectual history which has been relatively neglected by academia. Contrary to the bias of academic interest toward the Neo-Confucian side of the argument, works in defence of Buddhist thought since the late-Song dynastyare actually available and worth studying. One such work is the Supplement to the Treatise in Defence of Buddhism(abbrev. STDB)by Shen Shirong in the early-Ming dynasty. Guan Dongming’s Critique of the STDB is an attempt to consolidate both sides of the argument to offer a multifaceted and non-polemic perspectiveon the issues involved. This essay begins by offering a brief introduction to the STDB, followed by a survey of similar works in circulation during the late Ming dynasty. The latter part of the essay aims to analyze Guan’s philosophical stance, epochal concernsand its significance in Song- Ming intellectual history as presented in his Critique of the STDB. This studyis expected to shed light onthe issue of Confucio-Buddhist interplay.
