
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 邁向批判運動社會學/身體文化研究
卷期 45:4
並列篇名 Toward a critical sociology of sport / physical cultural studies
作者 陳子軒
頁次 267-278
關鍵字 運動社會學身體文化研究集體記憶社會空間質性研究方法sociology of sportphysical cultural studiescollective memorysocial spacequalitative research methodTSSCI
出刊日期 201212




This essay aims to summarize and respond to the arguments between Sociology of Sport and Physical Cultural Studies in European and American academic societies. Physical Cultural Studies scholars critique the limitation and methodology of traditional Sociology of Sport and argue for broader research terrains. However, this essay counters that these two schools are virtually and essential alike despite appearing otherwise. In the context of Taiwanese academic environment, the two schools should co-exist and search for common goals by adding spatial and temporal dimensions into their research. By approaching sport and physical culture with sociology of memory and study of social space, and examining the influence of mass communication and media on sport/physical culture, we will be better equipped to march toward a critical Sociology of Sport/Physical Cultural Studies of our native, Taiwanese perspective.
