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篇名 新型MVA200排球球體物理特性分析及其對選手知覺辨識之影響
卷期 45:4
並列篇名 Analysis of the new official volleyball-MVA200 in physical characteristics and player’s perception discrimination
作者 陳明煒楊雯雯張恩崇劉強
頁次 279-288
關鍵字 運動器材恢復係數主觀感覺sport equipmentcoefficient of restitutionsubjective perceptionTSSCI
出刊日期 201212


目的:針對新型比賽用排球球體MVA200,探討該球體之物理特性以及其對排球球員視覺與觸覺辨識之影響。方法:分二實驗進行,實驗一為測試新舊型排球之圓周、重量、恢復係數、飛行速度等物理特性;實驗二為請有無使用過新型排球經驗之45名排球球員,針對新型排球進行視覺觀看和觸覺接觸,以問卷方法立即地紀錄球員對新型排球之視覺與觸覺主觀辨識。結果:在物理特性分析方面,發現新型排球與舊型之間的圓周重量與飛行速度無顯著差異(p > .05),但新型排球的恢復係數顯著低於舊型排球(p < .05);對球員知覺辦識影響方面,發現在視覺辨識上,不管有無經驗球員皆認為新型排球「感覺比較明顯亮眼」;在觸覺辨識上,有經驗球員認為新型排球「感覺比較好打」。結論:本研究認為新型排球MVA200,因其外型顏色、球皮排列、表皮設計以及球皮材質等的改變,會使恢復係數降低而減緩反彈後速度,並會讓排球球員主觀認為較明亮、較美觀以及較好打的知覺。


Purpose: To analyze the new official volleyball, MVA200, in physical characteristics, and to exam the effects on the visual and tactual discriminations of players. Methods: There were two experiments in this study. Firstly, the pressure gauge, tape, electronic weight scales, and ball rebound device were used to measure the physical characteristics of the old volleyball-MVP200 and the new volleyball-MVA200. The flying velocities were calculated by Silicon Coach motion analysis software. Secondly, 29 players with experience in using new volleyball and 16 players without experience were participated in the visual and tactual discriminations. Results: In circumference, weight and flying velocity were no significant difference between the both volleyballs (p > .05), but the new volleyball had the significantly lower the coefficient of restitution than the old one (p < .05). In the visual discrimination aspect, players discriminated that the new volleyball was more significant “attractiveness-sphere” than the old one. In the tactual discrimination aspect, the item of “easy control” result was indicated that the proportion of the new volleyball was significantly more than that of the old one. Conclusions: The study suggested that the new volleyball-MVA200, official competition ball, has much lower the coefficient of restitution. It allowed that players thought the new volleyball much attractiveness, beauty and easy control.
