
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國小教師疲勞程度與運動行為和心肺適能之比較研究
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 A comparative study of the level of fatigue, exercise behavior and cardiopulmonary fitness of female primary school teachers
作者 陳秀蘭方進隆莊弘毅朱雅菁
頁次 329-338
關鍵字 身體活動有氧適能六分鐘走路測驗physical activityaerobic fitness6-minute walk testTSSCI
出刊日期 201312


目的:比較不同疲勞程度教師的運動行為及心肺適能之差異;並探討疲勞程度、運動行為及心肺適能之相關性。方法:隨機抽取臺北市40所小學,依據學校規模發放10~30份,實施「個人疲勞強度問卷中文版」(CIS)問卷調查,共發出問卷800份,剔除無效卷,得到有效樣本733份,再根據其CIS之結果,採立意取樣方式徵求女性教師,疲勞組(CIS > 76)36位與非疲勞組(CIS ≦ 76)58位,共94位女性教師填寫「運動行為」問卷,並實施六分鐘走路測驗以評估身體活動量與心肺適能。所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗和皮爾森積差相關方法分析和比較。結果:一、不同疲勞組別女教師之運動行為有顯著差異(p < .05),非疲勞組教師之運動行為(M = 12.31)顯著高於疲勞組(M = 9.75)。二、不同疲勞組別女教師之心肺適能有顯著差異(p < .05),非疲勞組教師心肺適能(M = 710.10公尺)顯著高於疲勞組(M = 678.20 公尺)。三、疲勞程度與運動行為、心肺適能呈顯著負相關(p < .05);運動行為與心肺適能呈顯著正相關(p < .05)。結論:運動行為較高或心肺適能較佳之國小女教師較不易疲勞;運動行為和心肺適能與疲勞程度有相關。


Purpose: To compare the different levels of fatigue of primary school female teachers with exercise behavior and cardiopulmonary fitness; and hence to investigate the correlation among the level of fatigue, exercise behavior, and cardiopulmonary fitness. Methods: Primary school teachers from 40 randomly selected schools in Taipei City were taken as research subjects. 10~30 copies of Chinese version of Checklist Individual Strength Questionnaire (CIS) were distributed to each school according to its scale. A total of 800 copies were handded out and 733 valid samples were derived. Based on the result of CIS, 94 female teachers, using purposive sampling, (36 from the fatigue group, CIS > 76, and 58 from the non-fatigue group, CIS ≦ 76) were then asked to fill out a questionnaire on exercise behavior as well as to carry out a six-minute walk test to evaluate their physical activity and their cardiopulmonary fitness. The collected data was compared and analyzed by independent-samples test, and Pearson’s Correlation. Results: (1) The exercise behavior of female teachers from various fatigue groups was different (p < .05). The exercise behavior of the non-fatigue group (M = 12.31) was significantly higher than that of the fatigue group (M = 9.75). (2) The cardiopulmonary fitness of female teachers from various fatigue groups was different (p < .05). The cardiopulmonary fitness of the non-fatigue group (M = 710.10 m) was significantly higher than that of the fatigue group (M = 678.20 m). (3) The level of fatigue was negatively correlated to exercise behaviors and cardiopulmonary fitness (p < .05) whereas exercise behavior was positively correlated to cardiopulmonary fitness (p < .05). Conclusions: The female elementary school teachers who have higher physical activity or those with better cardiopulmonary fitness are less prone to fatigue; level of fatigue is related to exercise behavior and cardiopulmonary fitness.
