
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國中生運動行為、運動社會支持及衝動性格與學業適應問題之關聯性
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 Relationships among exercise behavior, social support, impulsivness, and academic adaptation in Junior High School students
作者 譚子文董旭英
頁次 363-382
關鍵字 運動類型學業成績偏差行為巢式迴歸sports visionacademic achievementdeviantnested regressionTSSCI
出刊日期 201312




Purpose: The study aimed to investigate the relationship among exercise behaviors, social support for exercise, impulsive, and academic adaptation problems. Methods: The effective sample in this study consisted of 887 regular class students from 12 junior high schools in Taipei city. The collected data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis. Results: (1) Youths who participated in high contact-high aggression activities had more problems of academic adaptation than those who joined low contact-low aggression activities; (2) Impulsiveness was related to academic adaptation problems; (3) While considering the effects of control variables, the relationship between parent’s social support and academic adaptation problems disappeared. Conclusions: Exercise behaviors were not able to improve learning adaptation problems.
