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篇名 家長式領導行為與信任教練:團隊價值觀的跨層次調節效果
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 Paternalistic leadership behaviors and trust-in-coach: The cross level moderating effects of team values
作者 高三福呂政達楊鎮瑭
頁次 393-405
關鍵字 運動團隊多層次研究彙總分析sports teamsmulti-level studyaggregation statisticsTSSCI
出刊日期 201312


目的:探討家長式領導行為對信任教練的影響,以及家長式領導行為對信任教練的影響關係中,團隊價值觀的跨層次調節效果。方法:採問卷調查法,以大專排球聯賽公開一級與二級進入複賽的隊伍,男女各12隊299位運動員 (男160人、女139人) 為研究對象。研究測量家長式領導、團隊價值觀與領導信任,蒐集的資料以階層線性模式進行分析。結果:仁慈與才德領導對信任教練有正向影響效果,但威權領導對信任教練則沒有任何影響效果。在調節效果方面,才德領導與信任教練的關係,會受到奪標取向的調節,低奪標取向較高奪標取向有較高的信任教練,顯示在低奪標取向時才德領導對信任教練的影響有較大的改變。結論:釐清以團隊為單位的家長式領導行為對信任教練之影響關係,以及團隊層次的奪標取向之跨層次調節效果。


Purposes: Examine the effects of paternalistic leadership behaviors to trust-in-coach, and examine the cross level moderating effects of team values between paternalistic leadership behaviors and trust-in-coach. Methods: Survey was used at the present study. The participants were the open group volleyball players (male 160, female 139, and 24 teams totally) from the university volleyball league. Paternalistic Leadership, Team Values, and Trust-in-Leader, were measured. Hierarchical linear model (HLM) was used to analysis the data. Results: The results revealed that benevolence leadership and morality leadership positively predicted trust-in-coach, but authoritarianism did not predict trust-in-coach significantly. The value of competitive desire cross level moderated between moral leadership and trust-in-coach. The magnitude between moral leadership and trust-in-coach would be increased by conditions of competitive desire; the less competitive desire the more of trust-in-coach. Conclusions: Identified the relationships between paternalistic leadership behaviors and trust-in-coach, and the moderating effects of competitive desire value.
