
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 以四肢負重法模擬中老年女性下肢動作研究
卷期 45:3
並列篇名 A kinematical study of lower limbs of elderly women by load bearing simulation
作者 鐘維軒李尹鑫林宗慶相子元
頁次 191-202
關鍵字 動作分析步態老化motion analysisgaitagingTSSCI
出刊日期 201209
DOI 10.6222/pej.4503.201209.0703


目的:驗證分散四肢負重是否能模擬不同年齡族群之動作型態。方法:招募健康女性受試者共36名,年輕人 (21.42 ± 1.62 歲)、中年人 (52.42 ± 2.39 歲) 和老年人 (71.08 ± 3.37 歲) 各12名,分別進行一般步行、上下階梯、坐站行走三種動作之動作分析,年輕人組別依照實際下肢肌力退化比率作為四肢負重的依據,進行中、老年動作模擬的測試,以重複量數單因子變異數分析法來比較年輕人、中年人、老年人之間的差異顯著水準定為α = .05,以獨立樣本t檢定來探討真實和模擬情境間之關係,顯著水準定為α = .25。結果:中年人、老年人相對於年輕人之下肢肌力檢測數值,得知中年人肌力退化率為22.80%;老年人則為32.31%。而在一般步行、上下登階和坐站行走的各個動作參數中,隨著年齡的增長,各動作的時間會變長、速度會變慢、距離會變短、力量峰值下降的趨勢,模擬族群在實驗中的整體趨勢和真實族群所呈現的動作老化現象是一致的。結論:以年輕人負重方式在模擬中年人方面可大致模擬出上下階梯以及坐站行走兩個動作,在模擬老年人方面僅可模擬出老年人的一般步行動作,而上下登階和坐站行走則難以模擬。


Purpose: To determine the possibility of the load bearing simulation method in motion analysis for different age groups. Methods: There were 36 healthy female participants in this study who evenly divided into three groups based on their ages. They are young (21.42 ± 1.62 years), middle-aged (52.42 ± 2.39 years), elder (71.08 ± 3.37 years). Participants were asked to perform following movements: (a) normal gait; (b) up/down stairs; (c) sit-to-stand walk. The young participants were requested to put on the loading according to the degradation rate of the lower extremity strength to simulate middle-aged and elder groups. Repeated measures one-way ANOVA was used to compare results among different age groups. The significant level was set at α = 0.05. Independent samples t test was used to compare results between simulating group and real age group. The significant level was set at α = 0.25. Results: The degradation rate of the lower extremity strength of middle age and elder groups are 22.80% and 32.31%. As aging, the time of each movement became longer, the speed slowed down, the distance of each movement became shorter, the peak of ground reaction force declined. Most of the parameters in normal gait, up/down stairs, sit-to-stand walk in simulation matched with those in real age conditions. Conclusions: The load carrying young group can simulate the up/down stairs and sit-to-stand walk of the middle-aged group, as well as normal gait of the elder group, but could not simulate the up/down stairs and sit-to-stand walk of the elder group.
