
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 不同運動項目女子選手動體視力之比較
卷期 45:3
並列篇名 Comparison to dynamic visual acuity among different sports events of female athletes
作者 王艾伶劉雅甄
頁次 203-210
關鍵字 運動視覺排球跆拳道射箭游泳sports visionvolleyballtaekwondoarcheryswimmingTSSCI
出刊日期 201209
DOI 10.6222/pej.4503.201209.0704


目的:比較排球、跆拳道、射箭、游泳、運休系非專長、以及非運動員等不同運動項目女子選手動體視力之差異。方法:60位體育學院代表隊選手和運休系非專長生,以及12位非運動員之大學生,分別進行完成向右 (DVA-R)、向左 (DVA-L)、向下 (DVA-D)、向上 (DVA-U) 等動體視力測試,再經Kruskal-Wallis 單因子等級變異數分析。結果:發現排球、跆拳道、射箭項目選手的動體視力顯著優於運休系及非運動員 (p < .05),跆拳道與射箭項目選手亦顯著優異於游泳項目選手 (p < .05)。結論:本研究認為不同運動項目女子選手的動體視力具有顯著差異,特別是屬於動作隨個體外部情境變化作相應變化技能的排球、跆拳道等運動項目,以及需高度應用視覺瞄準的射箭項目,皆具有較佳的動體視力。


Purpose: the purpose of this study was to compare the Dynamic Visual Acuity among female athletes in volleyball, taekwondo, archery, swim, PE related students, and non-athletes. Methods: 72 subjects participated voluntarily this study. 60 subjects were students of Taipei Physical Education College, and 12 female students without sports team were recruited from Chung Hua University. All subjects measured DVA-Right, DVA-Left, DVA-Down, and DVA-Up by using ATHLEVISION software. The Kruskal- Wallis independent sample test was used to statistic all data. Results: The results of this study showed that athletes of volleyball, taekwondo, archery and swim all have better DVA than PE related students and non-athletes (p < .05). Athletes of taekwondo and archery also have better DVA than swim athletes (p < .05). Conclusion: The findings suggested that there was different DVA level among female athletes in sport events. Some athletes have better DVA level. Particularly, athletes in volleyball and taekwondo whom do the proper reaction highly based on environment changed, as well as athletes in archery whom need to aim the target.
