
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 生活積極承諾之成功老化與幸福感-中高齡者體育志願服務實證研究
卷期 45:3
並列篇名 A perspective on active engagement with life of successful aging and well-bing - Sport volunteering of elderly adults
作者 郭哲君鄭志富
頁次 211-226
關鍵字 老化體育志工社會支持工作滿意生活滿意agingsport volunteerssocial supportjob satisfactionlife satisfactionTSSCI
出刊日期 201209
DOI 10.6222/pej.4503.201209.0705


目的:本研究旨在探討中高齡體育志工之成功老化情形,依據成功老化定義內涵做為研究基礎,透過個人背景變項中的教育程度,以及社會支持、工作滿意、幸福感進行測量與分析,以驗證中高齡者參與志工服務時之成功老化解釋情形。方法:以2010年志願服務於新北市政府體育處之志工為研究對象,進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷121份。所得資料經處理後以描述性統計、階層迴歸分析法進行統計驗證。結果:新北市體育處體育志工在年齡部分主要以51~60歲之中高齡者居多,佔67.8%,教育程度屬中等程度,主要以高中職 (含) 以下的82人為多,佔67.8%;受訪者知覺社會支持、工作滿意與幸福感三者皆介於「普通」到「同意」之間;透過階層迴歸分析顯示,受訪者之教育程度、社會支持與工作滿意能共同有效解釋幸福感達60.1%的變異量。結論:新北市政府體育處體育志工在年齡上主要為中高齡者,教育程度屬中等程度,其知覺社會支持、工作滿意與幸福感三者皆趨近正向之態度,同時,教育程度、社會支持與工作滿意可有效解釋幸福感,反映出其成功老化的傾向。


Purpose: This study was based on the perspective of successful aging and well-being theory, which designed to reveal the tendency of successful aging in education level, social support, job satisfaction and well-being in elderly sport volunteers. Methods: The researcher took 216 elderly sport volunteers as the research subject through the questionnaire and 121 were valid. According to the data collected from the questionnaire, descriptive statistics and hierarchical regression were performed for data analysis. Results: The results were derived as following: 1. The age of in the main group of sport volunteers was 51~60 years old, and the education level in the main group of sport volunteers was under (include) high school degree. 2. The evaluation of elderly sport volunteers in social support, job satisfaction and well-being were only slightly above average in this study. 3. Education level, social support and job satisfaction could explained 60.1% of the variance and significant effects on well-being. Conclusions: The elderly adults engaged in sport volunteering would have positive affection on social support, job satisfaction and well-being, meanwhile, education level, social support and job satisfaction would affect well-being. All results of the elderly sport volunteers study revealed the tendency of successful aging.
