
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 媒體再現與臺灣國球的系譜
卷期 45:3
並列篇名 The media representation and genealogy of Kuo-Chiu of Taiwan
作者 林伯修林國棟
頁次 227-246
關鍵字 文化研究國球系譜學媒體再現接合cultural studiesKuo-Chiugenealogymedia representationarticulationTSSCI
出刊日期 201209
DOI 10.6222/pej.4503.201209.0706




Purpose: By analyzing the represented texts of newspaper, this research applied the critical and deconstructive perspectives of cultural studies to trace the origin, the power network and the cultural articulate process of Taiwanese “Kuo- Chiu”. Methods: Textual analysis and semi-constructed depth interview were applied. We used the keywords, “baseball and Kuo-Chiu”” baseball and the Kuo-gia-yun-don” and “baseball and Kuo-Chi”, to search in the database of the Udn newspaper group that is included United Daily News, United Evening News, Economics Daly, and Min-Sheng Daily News, from 16, Sep. 1951 to 31. Dec. 2010, and we got 314, 45 and 57 texts of” Kuo-chi”, “the National Game” and “Kuo-Chiu”. And we interviewed 3 senior reports and 1 senior broadcaster and ex-minister of Internal Affairs. Results: The findings are as follow. In the very beginning, baseball was called Kuo-Chiu by Min-Sheng Daily News on 8. Dec. 1976. Before the Taiwanese Baseball was named Kuo-Chiu, it was called Kuo-Chi that is a vocabulary of Japanese, was introduced by Father of Taiwanese Little League Baseball, Hsieh, Kou-cheng to promote the development of Taiwanese baseball. The “Kuo-gia-yun-don” was created by the senior reporter, Sun, Chien-cheng who made this issue on the newspaper to remind the government to emphasize the decade of Taiwanese baseball. “Kuo-Chiu” was created by senior broadcaster, Fu, Ta-jen for the need of live broadcasting in 1970’s. The ex-president Chen, Sui-bian used the codes of baseball to promote himself and announced “the baseball is the Kou-Chiu of Taiwan” in many public situations. His presidential position made his speeches produced a synchronized effect on the other newspapers, and made the Kuo-Chiu became a solid and main signifier of Taiwanese baseball. Because of ex-president Chen, Sui-bian who spoke of Kuo-Chiu in public in his presidential terms, from 2000 to 20008, made Kuo-Chiu became the major significant of Taiwanese baseball. Conclusions: Just like the perspective of cultural studies, power produces knowledge; the origin and the genealogy of Kuo-Chiu were the results of contingency, power struggles and the articulation.
