
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 原住民老年人的休閒參與及休閒阻礙
卷期 45:3
並列篇名 Leisure participation and leisure constraints among older indigenous tribes adults
作者 張俊一許建民
頁次 247-260
關鍵字 焦點團體紮根理論協商策略focus groupgrounded theorynegotiation strategyTSSCI
出刊日期 201209
DOI 10.6222/pej.4503.201209.0707


目的:探討原住民老年人的休閒參與及休閒阻礙。方法:主要以休閒阻礙理論為基礎,運用焦點團體法蒐集資料,採立意取樣方法,以20位居住在新竹縣尖石鄉 (8 位) 及五峰鄉 (12位) 的原住民老人為研究對象,邀請參與本研究焦點團體訪談,二場焦點團體座談分別於2009年11月及2010年1月舉行,所蒐集資料分別以描述性統計及依循紮根理論方法進行分析。結果:(1)原住民老年人最常參與的休閒活動,依序為:宗教活動、散步、聊天、與親友聚會、看電視。(2)對這些原住民老年人而言,主要的休閒阻礙分別為:缺乏經費、缺乏時間、缺乏聚會活動場所、健康狀況不佳及交通不便,多是屬於結構性之休閒阻礙。(3)面對休閒阻礙,原住民老年人會採取其協商策略 (改變休閒認知),參與其它休閒活動。結論:本研究應用焦點團體法探討原住民老年人的休閒參與及休閒阻礙,所發現的休閒活動參與及休閒阻礙,與過去的研究略有差異;另外,也發現他們面對休閒阻礙時的協商策略,此對後續之研究有一定的參考價值。


Purpose: To explore the older adults’leisure participations and leisure constraints. Methods: Based on leisure constraints theory, a focus-group design was employed to gather in-depht interview data, twenty older adults ages 65 years or more whom lived in Jianshih Township (n=8) and Wufong Township (n=12), Hsinchu county were invited to participate this study in purposive sampling. Two focus groups were conducted at 2009 November and 2010 January. Results: The main findings of this study were (a) the rank of the top five leisure activities they took apart were: religion activities, strolling, chating, to get together with relatives and friends, and watching TV. (b) for these older indigenous tribe adults, lacking of money, lacking of time(they almost must take care of their grandchildren), lacking of place, weak wealth status, and inconvenient transportation were the main leisure constraints for them. (c) faced to leisure constraints , the older indigenous tribe adults took their own negotiation strategy to change themselves cognition about leisure, then, they took apart the other leisure activities. Conclusions: Using focus-group method, we explored the indigenous tribe older adults’leisure participations and leisure constraints. We found there were some different findings from previous studies. Also, we found when faced to leisure constraints, they had their own leisure negotiation strategy. It could be valuable for future studies.
