
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 從中朝關係史看明清史研究的新面向——以《燕行錄》為中心
卷期 51
並列篇名 Discovering Ming-Qing History through Sino-Choson Studies: Focus on China Mission Record, 2000-2013
作者 吳政緯
頁次 209-242
關鍵字 中朝關係史明清史研究《燕行錄》文化交流史域外漢籍Sino-Choson HistoryMing-Qing StudiesYŏnhaengnok Yeon Rok Mission Recordcultural communication historyOverseas Chinese ClassicsTHCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6243/BHR.2014.051.209




So far the study of Sino-Choson Studies has been strangely neglected by Ming-Qing history researchers. Over the past few years a considerable number of studies and digital engineering have been made on Sino-Choson history. Although a large number of studies have been made on Sino-Choson studies, little is known about how it could influence the studies of Ming-Qing history. This paper is intended as an introduction of Sino-Choson studies and explored its future possibility in Ming-Qing studies. An exhaustive inspect of recent research achievement is not necessary in this article. This investigation would like to focus on “Cultural Communication”, “Hua-Yi distinction”, and “Books Currency”. The purpose here is to explore a little further between “Ming-Qing” and “Sino-Choson” by these three issues. Taking a focus on recent survey on China Mission Record, the issues of cultural communication has taken some important steps in this direction. The researchers turned their attention from “national diplomacy” to “literati intercourse”, and went deep into more complicated mentality of Sino-Choson literati. On the one hand, I will inspect the result of Sino-Choson studies since 2000, on the other hand reflection on some of these will make clear that the significance of Sino-Choson studies in Ming-Qing history.
