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篇名 大學生性知識、性態度、一般性經驗與性偏差經驗之調查研究-以嘉義地區為例
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Survey Study of the Sex knowledge, Sex attitude, Sex experience and Deviant Sex Behavior among Undergraduate in Chaiyi Area
作者 方韻
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 大學生性現況性偏差嘉義地區undergraduatecurrent sex statusdeviant sex behaviorChaiyi area
出刊日期 201407


本研究旨在於瞭解嘉義縣市大學生之性知識、性態度、一般性經驗以及性偏差行為(包括性侵害行為與性騷擾行為)之加害與被害經驗。採用網路問卷調查法,蒐集 174 名嘉義地區大學生的問卷資料,結果發現受試者之性知識程度普遍良好偏高(8.3 分),性態度亦持正向積極態度(3.57 分),75%的學生首次性行為發生在18 歲以後,依親密伴侶與性伴侶的數量來看,性經驗尚算穩定,而其他較具道德爭議性的性行為,包括一夜情、墮胎與同性戀行為等,比例則在 8%至 14%之間,另外約 5%左右的學生表示曾有援交經驗。在偏差性經驗中,曾從事違反他人意願的性相關行為的學生佔 19.5%,當中以偷窺佔最多數(67.6%);而曾遭受違反自己意願的性相關行為的學生則佔 63.2%,當中則以觸摸佔最大比例(40.9%)。最後依據研究結果,提出未來實務與研究之可行建議。


This study aims to investigate the current sex status and deviant sex behavior among the undergraduate students in Chaiyi area, including sex knowledge, sex attitude, sex experience, and their offense and victimization experience of deviant sex behavior (i.e. sex offence and sex harassment). The study was by the way of web-questionnaire survey, which was based on samples of 174 undergraduate students in Chaiyi area. The results show that the average degree of sex knowledge is sufficient (8.3) and the average sex attitude is positive (3.57) in all participators. 75% students’ first sex behavior age is above 18, according to the amount of intimate partners and sex partners, the sex experience status are stable. 8% to 14% students used to experience some debatable sex behavior of moral such as one night stand, abortion or homosexual relationship, and 5% students used to participate in commercial sex behavior. 19.5% students have had deviant sex-related experience which is against the other’s will, especially in peep (67.6%). 63.2% students have had deviant sex-related experience which is against his/her will, especially in touching(40.9%). Finally, some suggestions are proposed based on conclusion for the practice and future studies.
