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篇名 The criminal justice and social welfare responses to combat spousal abuse in Hong Kong
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 香港對婚姻暴力的刑事司法與社會福利之防治方案
作者 莫偉賢
頁次 087-106
關鍵字 spouse abusedomestic violencecriminal justicesocial welfare responses婚姻暴力家庭暴力刑事司法社會福利社會工作
出刊日期 201407




This paper provides an overview in local responses in combating spousal abuse in Hong Kong. It first describes various measures from the criminal justice perspectives, including the use of criminal ordinances and the policing policies towards spousal abuse. It then outlines a shift in paradigm from criminal justice to social welfare responses. Next, the paper examines a variety of social welfare responses in assisting victims and offenders in spousal abuse cases. The paper concludes with a discussion about the potential development in local practices in tackling the problem of spousal abuse in Hong Kong.
