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篇名 花精做為建立治療關係的媒介—以亂倫生存者為例
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Flower essences as a therapeutic relationship established media: An example of incest survivor
作者 徐婉莉陳慧女
頁次 107-124
關鍵字 花精治療關係性侵害亂倫flower essencesincestsexual assaulttherapeutic relationship
出刊日期 201407


本文以花精為媒介,呈現如何與一位亂倫倖存者建立治療關係。在這過程賦權予個案並建立安全感,以間接不具威脅性方式,建立信任且穩定的治療關係, 讓個案慢慢卸下心房,願意分享內心深處的秘密。透過花精當治療關係的媒介,不只有助於與倖存者建立關係,在治療過程中更增強其覺察力與對自己情緒的敏銳度,進而接受自己負面情緒和創傷經驗,也開啟對自己的重新認識,不再停留於過去的創傷裡,而能努力往前,對自己做情緒和解並善待自己。


In this article, flower essences for the media, showing how to establish a therapeutic relationship with an incest survivor. Empower the case in this process and to estab-lish a sense of security, in an indirect non-threatening way to build trust and stable therapeutic relationship, let the case slowly remove the atrium, willing to share the deepest secret. Flower essences not only helps to establish precise and appropriate therapeutic relationship with the survivor in the course of treatment, it even enhances their awareness of their own emotional strength and sensitivity, and then accept their negative emotions and traumatic experience; thus open their own re-understanding, no longer stay in the wounds of the past years, and able to move forward on their own emotional reconciliation and be good to themselves.
