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篇名 藝文教化活動對受刑人處遇之探討
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 A Study of Prison-based Art Programs' to Offender Treatment
作者 吳憲璋鄒啟勳周冠宇
頁次 046-084
關鍵字 藝文教化活動受刑人處遇Art programsoffendertreatment effectiveness
出刊日期 201407




The purpose of this research is to figure out how art programs could have any positive effect to inmates’ treatment.
This article uses quantitative questionnaire to analysis national data included the people who have attended art programs in correctional institutions in Taiwan on July 31st, 2013. After identifying offenders that participated in art programs, and eliminating a few cases (67) with invalid data, the sample of analysis is 1,499 cases nationalwide. We use version of SPSS 18 to evaluate the effectiveness of this program by Frequency distribution tables, Chi-sqare, ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficient, etc.
Of that number, 70% attend art course once a day, 72.4% voluntarily chose to participate in the program and 66.7% have done the performances or exhibitions. The main motion to take part in the program is to fulfill the prison life. In addition, the group who has joined this program has a significant effect to positively interact with families. And three variables, including the fond of art programs, personal efficiency enhancement, potential development, have showed the positive relations in this study.
Study results suggest prison-based programs encourage offenders to reshape their behaviors and minds, and positively produce a duplicate function. In addition to this, the data show that we must introduce more social resources, assist offender to develop their talent and explore the possibilities of multi-focused art programs by regular large-scale exhibition and standardization of art activities to improve offender treatment through this rehabilitation model.
