
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 心理空間理論與《論語》中的隱喻分析
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Mental Space Theory and an Analysis of Metaphors in Analects
作者 吳佩晏張榮興
頁次 97-124
關鍵字 心理空間理論隱喻華語教學論語Mental space theoryMetaphorChinese teachingAnalectsTHCI
出刊日期 201004


《論語》中的語句簡短精鍊,卻蘊含豐富的哲理。讀者要從簡短的字句中領會篇章傳達的深奧思想,需要先理解隱喻運作的脈絡。本文以心理空間理論(Fauconnier 1994, 1997;Fauconnier & Turner 2002)為基礎,分析《論語》中隱喻篇章的概念建構過程。本文認為背景知識及上下文語境是影響篇章理解的重要因素。根據心理空間理論,我們建立輸入空間之間的對應關係,尋求兩個輸入空間的共同之處,進而透過背景知識及上下文語境所提供的訊息融合出篇章傳達的真正意涵。本文認為透過篇章意義的建構過程,將有助於對《論語》中隱喻的理解與分析,使華語學習者能更容易掌握篇章意旨,達到有效理解《論語》篇章的目的。


This paper takes the Analects as example to analyze the process of metaphorical meaning constructions, within the framework of Mental Space Theory (Fauconnier, 1994, 1997;Fauconnier & Turner, 2002). Sentences in the Analects are very short but full of philosophy. It has been shown in the paper that background knowledge and contextual meaning will help readers comprehend the implication conveyed by the sentences. To account for how metaphorical meanings are interpreted in the Analects, we set up input spaces and find out the general features shared by the input spaces to figure out the blending meaning from the context and background knowledge. The process of how metaphorical meanings are constructed in this paper will help the readers to comprehend Analects more efficiently.
