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篇名 第三屆世界棒球經典賽觀眾觀賞行為模式之研究:以臺灣臺中洲際棒球場賽事為例
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 A Baseball Stadium Audience Behavioral Model for the Third World Baseball Classic: A Case Study of Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium Sports Events
作者 徐茂洲
頁次 081-107
關鍵字 世界杯經典賽 計畫行為理論World Baseball Classic WBCTheory of Planned Behavior TPB
出刊日期 201401




The Ajzen theory of planned behavior (TBP) was applied to confirm the Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium audience behavioral model for the 2013 Third World Baseball Classic (WBC). The study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the relationships among the behavioral beliefs, norm beliefs, control beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral inclinations of audience members. The research data for this study were collected from 571 audience members who watched the 2013 Third WBC at Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium on March 2-5, 2013 by using a convenience sampling method. The data obtained from the returned survey were analyzed using descriptive statistics and SEM. The results indicated that (a) the model exhibited a strong goodness-of-fit, and (b) perceived behavioral control exerted the greatest effect on behavioral intention when watching the WBC, followed by attitude and subjective norms. Based on the findings of this research, the researcher suggests that the hosts of the WBC provide free shuttle buses between baseball stadiums and high-speed rail stations to increase the convenience of transportation. This would enhance the viewers’ perceived behavioral control and ultimately increase their willingness to attend games.
