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篇名 教育領導與人才培育
卷期 246
並列篇名 Educational Leadership and Human Capacity Building
作者 吳清山
頁次 005-019
關鍵字 人才培育教育領導human capacity buildingeducational leadership
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.3966/168063602014100246001




Facing the challenges and opportunities brought by internationalization, technological, industrial, and demographic changes, the phenomenon of imbalances between labor demand and supply has become worse over the years in Taiwan. Therefore, human capacity building, or manpower cultivation, is the most vital theme to the policy. As an educational leader, who plays an important role in human capacity building. The paper begins the discussion by exploring the relationships between educational leadership, and human capacity building. Then, it analyzes the important topics of human capacity building. Finally, it offers some measures to improve the human capacity building base on educational leaders perspectives, including the quality of basic education, vocational education, and higher education, etc.
