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篇名 主要國家人才培育之教育政策取向初探
卷期 246
並列篇名 The Study of Education Policy of Manpower Cultivation in the Major Countries
作者 湯堯成群豪王宗坤歐宏國林子園
頁次 020-039
關鍵字 人才培育國家競爭力教育政策manpower cultivationnational competitive powereducation policy
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.3966/168063602014100246002


本文為教育部人才培育白皮書指標審議小組在進行我國人才培育指標系統建構之研究時,就全球人才現況和主要國家人才培育政策進行探索性研究,經彙整統合並和我國人才培育政策進行對應性分析。 研析主要國家的人才培育政策,發現各國以人才培育為主軸的教育政策取向確實是全球的趨勢,我國現階段人才培育之目標和各項行動方案亦與之有高度同質,然各主要國家在人才培育相關政策上均可明確地掌握國家狀況和發展目標,亦可舉各部門整體投入之力度,以提升國家競爭力。 我國已經展開的人才培育之目標措施和行動方案(如發布人才培育白皮書),目前仍以教育部之相關司處為行動之主要推動力。在全球人才布局和需求已各有消長的情況下,我國在知己知彼的功夫上宜多努力,當可在政策和推動上借鏡攻錯以及了解如何自我改善之處。


This article explores the current situation and relevant education policies of manpower cultivation and talented education in the major countries worldwide. Meanwhile, it analyzes the relevant data about the relation between manpower cultivation and national competitiveness in some countries. Having analyzed the policies of manpower/talent cultivation across countries, the article identifies that education policies of the targeted nations indeed match global tendencies. It also points out that these countries clearly comprehend where they stand, what their objectives are for investing advanced human recourses and how to integrate various resources from different official departments for meeting demands. More importantly, this statement also applies to Taiwan as the domestic objectives and strategies on manpower cultivation and human resource development follow global trends. The Taiwanese government nowadays has broadly worked on the cultivation of manpower, the White Paper on Human Resource Development for instance. After recognizing the global distributions and requirements of manpower cultivation and human resource development, we could enrich our knowledge and understanding about how education policy and strategy are well operated and improved from other nations’ experience.
