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篇名 領導人才能力培育之探究:以策略領導為觀點
卷期 246
並列篇名 Research on the Cultivation of the Leadership Ability: From the Point of Strategic Leadership
作者 鄭彩鳳邱侶文
頁次 040-056
關鍵字 人才培育策略管理策略領導策略領導能力personnel trainingstrategic managementstrategic leadershipstrategic leadership ability
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.3966/168063602014100246003




The so-called strategic leader means that the leader of an organization is able to foresee the future of the organization, plan and guide the development of the organization. However, to make a strategy work, the process of the management becomes very important. That is, the implementation of the strategy should be checked in looping style to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy. However, besides strategic thinking, a leader should own the ability to execute strategies. If a planned strategy can not be achieved in the implementation side, it will be difficult to evaluate the relative “achievement rate” of a strategy. Therefore, when nurturing leaders to be, the educational department should put emphasis upon developing strategic leadership.
