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篇名 香港中文大學之兩文三語政策於臺灣高等教育語言政策之啟示
卷期 246
並列篇名 Chinese Hong Kong University’s Language Policy: A Reflection on Language Policy in Taiwanese Higher Education
作者 呂佩穎
頁次 095-113
關鍵字 本土語高等教育國際語言語言政策雙語native languagehigher educationinternational languagelanguage policybilingual
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.3966/168063602014100246006




This paper, based on the example of Chinese University of Hong Kong’s (CUHK) liangwensanyu (“two languages and three spoken codes”), a bilingual education policy, investigates the possibility of the implementation of a similar language policy in Taiwanese higher education. The two written languages refer to written Chinese and written English, while “three spoken codes” comprise spoken Cantonese, Putonghua and spoken English. Although Taiwan social linguistic environment is seemingly similar to that in Hong Kong, different historical backgrounds have resulted in different linguistic contexts. Additionally, referring to the experiences of Hong Kong and some other multilingual countries, this paper explores the role of English as an international language, Chinese as lingua franca and official language, and Taiwanese as native tongue in higher education. Through the discussion on and reflection upon the language policy in higher education in Hong Kong and Taiwan, this paper aims to draw attention of the language educators and policy makers to face the similar problems emerged from Taiwanese higher education.
